How JN White® Helped
JN White’s design team utilized sophisticated 3D modeling techniques and extensive engineering support to work through the complicated challenges presented by the customer. 3D modeling allowed the team to work through the many design iterations required. Furthermore, virtual prototypes were developed to ensure that the solution would work precisely with the other product components within exacting tolerances. The 3D modeling process allowed for seamless communication between JN White and the customer’s design team throughout the project.
- Printed Circuit Board and OLED Display – JN White®’s team began by utilizing a printed circuit board that included a mounted OLED display and a 7-segment display. The 7-segment display was created with individual side-firing LED’s surface mounted onto the circuit board. Integrating the 7-segment display in this manner allowed the design team to create a numerical solution that could fully customize size, appearance and color (in this case, white). The product was thoughtfully designed as such, because no standard display solution could meet the customer’s requirements. In addition, JN White used only the top layer of the circuit board for the user interface, so the customer could use the other layers to pull electronics out of the box and onto the PCB’s, freeing up valuable real estate.
- Front Panel Inlay – The entire custom graphic overlay was designed as an inlay on the existing metal front panel. This new component design eliminated the lifted and separated sharp edges that impeded the effectiveness of the current product.
The Result
The reengineered integrated segmented display enabled the customer to enhance the product in a number of ways. First, the new version allowed the customer to pull many other electronic elements from the base part onto the front panel. JN White also created a custom 7-segment display that radiates pure white numbers and enhances visibility. Finally, the new version provides a greatly improved end user experience with the elimination of exposed edges that were susceptible to lifting and separating. The finished, enhanced, and completely redesigned unit was delivered to the customer with a single domestic source. Exacted to the customer’s specific requirements, the new unit functions properly and effectively, thus enhancing the overall end user experience.

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